23 November 2012

What Next: Climate, Development and Equity

A copy of this arrived in my post box yesterday.

It can arrive in yours too if you contact info [at] whatnext.org, or request via the website of the Dag Hammerskjold Foundation.

That site also offers a free download, as does the What Next Forum.

I've contributed a chapter on carbon trading, which surveys the latest in the EU Emissions Trading System and the (near-)collapse of the Clean Development Mechanism, as well as explaining how carbon is actually traded.

There are many excellent chapters. I'm still working my way through, but Kevin Anderson's chapter (based on a talk that you can listen to and watch a slideshow of here), and Dale Wen's article on China.

Full contents are:

Foreword John Vidal

Introduction Niclas Hällström

Part I » Setting the Context – Climate, Development and Equity Challenges

Climate change going beyond dangerous – Brutal numbers and tenuous hope
Kevin Anderson............................................................................... 16

Climate debt – A primer
Matthew Stilwell.............................................................................. 41

The North-South divide, equity and development – The need for trust-building for emergency mobilisation
Sivan Kartha, Tom Athanasiou and Paul Baer.................................... 47

Part II » The Climate Negotiations

A clash of paradigms – UN climate negotiations at a crossroads
Martin Khor ...................................................................................76

Why Bolivia stood alone in opposing the Cancun climate agreement
Pablo Solón................................................................................... 106

‘The Great Escape III’
Pablo Solón................................................................................... 108

What happened in Durban?......................................................... 110

Weak ambitions and loopholes.....................................................115

India and Africa at COP 17 – The false dichotomy of ‘survival vs.development’
Sivan Kartha...................................................................................118

Climate finance – How much is needed?
Matthew Stilwell............................................................................ 120

China and climate change – Spin, facts and realpolitik
Dale Jiajun Wen............................................................................. 125

Climate change, equity and development – India’s dilemmas
Praful Bidwai................................................................................. 147

Part III » What Next? – On Real and False Solutions

Climate as investment – Dead and living solutions
Larry Lohmann............................................................................. 164

What goes up must come down – Carbon trading, industrial subsidies and capital market governance
Oscar Reyes...................................................................................185

Darken the sky and whiten the earth – The dangers of geoengineering
ETC Group – Pat Mooney, Kathy Jo Wetter and Diana Bronson....... 210

Ecological agriculture, climate resilience and adaptation – A roadmap
Doreen Stabinsky and Lim Li Ching.............................................. 238

A global programme to tackle energy access and climate change
Tariq Banuri and Niclas Hällström................................................. 264

Reclaiming power – An energy model for people and the planet
Pascoe Sabido and Niclas Hällström............................................... 280

Part IV » Movement Towards Change

Beyond patzers and clients – Strategic reflections on climate change and the 'Green Economy'
Larry Lohmann............................................................................. 295

Civil society strategies and the Stockholm syndrome
Pat[zer] Mooney............................................................................ 327

Leaving the oil in the soil – Communities connecting to resist oil extraction and climate change
Nnimmo Bassey............................................................................. 332

Riding the wave – How Transition Towns are changing the world and having fun
Teresa Anderson............................................................................. 340

Contributors................................................................................. 348

Glossary....................................................................................... 352