What role will international
financial institutions like the World Bank play in channelling the
resources of the UN’s Green Climate Fund? And what does that mean for
the concept of “country ownership”? This is the second of a series of
three blogs on critical issues facing the GCF. The first looked at how much money the fund is likely to contain and who is likely to provide it. The third in the series considers whether the fund is likely to support fossil fuels and other forms of “dirty energy”.
The Green Climate Fund is intended to be “country-owned and driven”,
with national governments playing a key role in setting priorities and
overseeing how funds are deployed. But the emerging structure is
increasingly at odds with this commitment, and it looks increasingly
likely that a majority of its funding would be channeled via
international financial institutions (IFIs) rather than local and
national ones. That’s a significant reversal for a fund that was
conceived as an alternative to the current system, which is built around
a mix of multilateral financing passed through the World Bank and other
multilateral banks, and bilateral financing. The shift in favour of
IFIs is a blow to attempts to take climate finance out of the hands of
institutions that invest heavily in fossil fuels and other forms of
‘dirty energy’ (see more here). It also risks taking decision-making power away from the people most affected by climate change.
In part, the turn to IFIs reflects ambiguities in the definition of
“country ownership”, a concept borrowed from the development aid field.
According to the 2011 Busan Partnership
for Effective Development Cooperation, developing countries should be
responsible for defining their own development model, with approaches
“tailored to country-specific situations and needs”, and national
institutions playing a leading role. The World Bank has adopted a
similar-sounding definition, claiming that “Country ownership means that
there is sufficient political support within a country to implement its
developmental strategy, including the projects, programs, and policies
for which external partners provide assistance.” In practice, though,
there are key differences between a process that allows national actors
to define their needs, with resources channeled directly via accountable
national institutions, and “external partners” assisting in the
creation, and shaping of, a strategy, which is then sold to the
recipient country after the fact.
The GCF Governing Instrument,
a constitution-like document that sets out principles for how it will
operate, veers towards the stronger definition of country ownership. It
states that GCF financing should be consistent with national climate
strategies, and support the creation of such strategies where none
exist, and suggests that a “national designated authority” (NDA),
typically an environment ministry, should be a key channel for advancing
proposals and ensuring consistency with such strategies. Beyond this,
recipient countries should be able to nominate institutions that can
directly access GCF financing, including those at sub-national and
national levels.
The primacy of national institutions has been chipped away by
successive decisions of the GCF Board, however. In June 2013, the
insistence on countries appointing an NDA was relaxed, and it was
decided that a “focal point” (often just a single person) would suffice.
This option has been the springboard for arguments that the role
assumed by the NDA or focal point should be minimal, restricted to
little more than providing written consent that a country does not
object to a particular project or program taking place within its
The importance of a national approval process – dubbed a
“no-objection” procedure – has also been watered down as over time. When
the GCF was formally established at the UN Climate Change Conference in
Durban in December 2012, the creation of a no-objection procedure
was set out as a per-requisite for financing to commence. In October
2013, a proposal was tabled to establish such a procedure, which would
give NDAs or focal points a key role in appointing and approving
“implementing entities and intermediaries” through which funding would
pass, and making formal written approval a condition for GCF financing.
This approval should also have contained confirmation that “appropriate
consultation processes” had taken place. But no agreement was reached,
mainly due to concerns raised by the USA that it would be too
Subsequent iterations have proposed only a “tacit approval” process,
with consent assumed after a period of as little as three weeks if no
objection is raised, but the final decision will not be taken before
October 2014. A possible compromise suggests that countries could choose
a “tacit” procedure if they prefer. As with the designation of “focal
points,” this is sold in part as providing countries with maximum
flexibility – but in order to allow for this, the overall importance of
the procedure is diminished.
In place of national governments, other intermediaries are gearing up
to take an increasingly central role. The Governing Instrument mentions
“financial intermediaries” just once, in the context of local actors
supporting private sector activities. But the funding structure agreed
in Songdo gives intermediaries a central role. In the “initial” phases
of the GCF, at least, financing will pass through “implementing
entities”(which could be national bodies or UN agencies) that can provide
grant-support, and “intermediaries” that can provide concessional loans
and, potentially, other financial instruments if (as many Board
members, and the Fund’s Private Sector Advisory Group, advocate)
those are subsequently approved. Beyond this, intermediaries will be
allowed to “blend” financing with their own resources – a means that
institutions like the IFC have used to combine concessional funds with
their own non-concessional lending products.
Two issues dominated the debate on intermediaries at the GCF’s Songdo
Board meeting. Significant concerns were raised (by the Board member
for Zambia, amongst others) that the proposed bar for accrediting as an
intermediary was being set so high that only IFIs (and commercial banks)
would be able to qualify. This concern was recognized, to some extent,
in the final decision in Songdo, which calls for an approach that would
more closely tailor the financial management capabilities of the
intermediary with the scope and complexity of the onward lending they
would engage in.
Second, there was controversy over a proposed “fast track” procedure
for accreditation, which the USA suggested should be extended to Equator Principles banks,
a grouping of 79 commercial banks. Signatories to this voluntary code,
which is based on IFC standards, include Bank of America, Citigroup and
many of the world’s largest fossil fuel financiers, a number of which
have backed projects with well-documented human rights abuses. The “fast
tracking” of Equator Principles banks was blocked in Songdo, but their
potential to be a major channel for GCF financing remains.
Some key questions in the design of the GCF remain to be addressed at
the next meeting of its board – notably, the extent to which grants
will be used compared to concessional lending, the financial terms on
which these will be offered, and whether other financial instruments
will be brought into the mix. Much also depends on how the
sometimes-vague Board agreements are applied in practice – including how
generously the “fit-for-purpose” rules on accrediting “implementing
entities and intermediaries” will be interpreted, which should shape how
accessible financing is to national governments and specialist
agencies, regional and city governments. A narrow application could
favor IFIs – but the emerging pipeline of intermediaries seeking
accreditation and potential projects is also likely to see the GCF
channeling funds via bilateral institutions like the UK’s Green
Investment Bank, national development banks like BNDES (the Brazilian
Development Bank) and second-tier regional institutions regional
institutions such as the West African Development Bank.